

Stručni sastanci Sekcije za akupunkturu i aktiva za kvantnu medicine SLD ARHIVA:

Kontinuirane medicinske edukacije (CME)


Komplementarna medicina-klinička primena akupunkture, 2016

Mesto održavanja kursa:
Klinika za rehabilitaciju „dr Miroslav Zotović“ Srpsko Udruženje za Integrativnu Medicinu-SUIM, Knjeginje Zorke 30, Beograd

Organizator: SUIM-Srpsko Udruženje Integrativne Medicine

Akreditacija: Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije: A-1-2070/16

Redni broj: 87

Naziv kursa: Komplementarna medicina-klinička primena akupunkture

Ukupno: 150 sati

Br bodova za slušaoce: 6.

Br bodova za predavače: 12.

Cena kursa: 58 000 din

Nacionalni kurs prve kategorije


Rukovodilac kursa: Prof. dr Ljubica Konstantinović,

Kontakt: 063323996; 062222555;0641635720

Žiro račun: 205-183656-80, Komercijalna Banka, Beograd

Svrha upate: Komplementarna medicina-klinička primena akupunkture

Ciljna grupa (Kurs mogu pohađati): Lekari, Stomatolozi


Kantno Holografski okvir

BDORT-Bi Digital O Ring Test

Mesto odrzavanja: Centar za integrativme procedure i suplemente “Dr Dunjić, Jurija Gagarina 153a 2.sprat (Glavna zgrada TC Piramida) Novi Beograd, Srbija”

Akreditacija Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije: kurs 1. kategorije 163: A-1-2218/15.

Br bodova za slušaoce: 6, za predavače 12.

Cena po kursu: 120 000 din

Organizator: SUIM- Srpsko Udruženje za Integrativnu Medicinu, Knjeginje Zorke 30

Predsednik Upravnog odbora SUIM-a: Prof. dr Momir Dunjić

Kontakt: 062222555,


Rukovodilac kursa: Prof. dr Momir Dunjić,

Uplata na Žiro račun: 205-183656-80, Komercijalna Banka,

Svrha upate: BDORT ....

Osnovi integrativne medicine

Akreditacija Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije:139: A-1-2177/15.

Br bodova za slušaoce: 6.

Cena po kursu: 2 000 din

Organizator: SUIM- Srpsko Udruženje za Integrativnu Medicinu, Knjeginje Zorke 30

Predsednik Upravnog odbora SUIM-a: Prof. dr Momir Dunjić

Kontakt: 062222555,


Rukovodilac kursa: Prof. dr Momir Dunjić,

Uplata na Žiro račun: 205-183656-80, Komercijalna Banka,

Svrha upate: Kurs Osnovi integrativne medicine ....

Mesto održžavanja: Dom Sindikata ....

Mikrotalasna rezonantna terapija

Akreditacija Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije:142: A-1-2181/15.

Br bodova za slušaoce: 5.

Cena kursa: 55 000 din

Organizator: SUIM- Srpsko Udruženje za Integrativnu Medicinu, Knjeginje Zorke 30

Predsednik Upravnog odbora SUIM-a: Prof. dr Momir Dunjić

Kontakt: 062222555,


Rukovodilac kursa: dr Zlata Jovanović Ignjatić,

Kontakt: 0641635720,


Uplata do početka kursa

Žiro račun: 205-183656-80, Komercijalna Banka,

Svrha upate: Kurs Mikrotalasne rezonantne terapije ....

S poštovanjem,

Prof. dr Momir Dunjić,

dr Zlata Jovanović Ignjatić


Post congress seminars:

  1. Osnovi akupunkture - Mart 2016
  2. BDORT SCHOOL - 16 Octobar 2014
  3. Elektroakupunktura po Follu kao baza biorezonantnih tehnologija u kvantnoj medicini - 16 Octobar 2014
  4. BDORT BELGRADE (Serbia): - promotional course 12.10. 2014
  5. ONCOTERMIA SEMINAR ECIM 12 October 2014


Komplementarna medicina - Osnovi akupunkture

13.03.2016 , Kliika za rehabilitaciju dr Miroslav Zotović-učionica

Akreditacija Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije: A-1-3034/15

Br bodova za slušaoce: 6.

Cena kursa: 55 000 din

Domaći kurs prve kategorije


Rukovodilac kursa: Prof. dr Ljubica Konstantinović,

Kontakt: 0641635720,

Prijava na E-mail: ,

Uplata I rata od 13.03. do 13.04. II rata od 14.04. do 15.05.

Žiro račun: 205-183656-80, Komercijalna Banka, Beograd

Svrha upate: Kurs Komplementarne medicine osnovi akupunkture


1. BDORT SCHOOL - 16 October 2014


I Block 16-19 October 2014.)

II Block 31 October-02 November 2014.

Venue: Hotel LifeDesign Belgrade

We are honored to announce that Professor Yoshiaki Omura (New York) begins in Belgrade with the BDORT course, in English and Serbian (simultaneous translation), which will cover all countries in Southeast Europe and countries of European Union . The course is accredited as a International Course 1st categories (145-A-1-1979/2014) , accredited by the Health Council of Ministry of Health of Republic Serbia. 7 CME points for students and 14 CME points for lecturer. The course may be attended by: Medical Doctors, Doctors of Dentistry and Pharmacists. 


Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT) is a quantum medicine method, based on the resonance of electromagnetic waves, a phenomenon that was discovered by Mihajlo Pupin. The idea of the phenomenon of resonance application for diagnostic purposes and its introduction into clinical medical practice belonged to the inventor of this method ( ,, See film: , ) :

Prof. Dr.Yoshiaki Omura

( , , ) who got it in 1977, while working on his project at Pupin Institute of Physics in Columbia University in New York. He published his researches related to BDORD application in the highly indexed medical journal: Acupunture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal, starting from Bi-Digital O-Ring Test for imaging and Diagnosis of Internal Organs of a Patient No. 5,188,107.

Prof. Omura received many international awards for his scientific research, as One of 500 scientists 21st century, One of 1000 scientists 20th century and in 2008 he was elected an Honorary member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Serbian Medical Association . BDORT method can be done by medical doctors, dentists and pharmacists, after an appropriate theoretical and practical training, gaining the title of Cert.MD-ORT. BDORT is a non-invasive diagnostic and therapeutic method. Medical examination is done by two doctors. A doctor-assistant serves as a "medical device", and using one hand hand, electrode or laser he passes over the patient's body, and makes an O-shape fingers clench with the other hand. Another physician measures muscle strength of the grip, trying to open the clenched fingers. During the examination, muscle strength changes, depending on the information received from the electromagnetic field of the patient. The mechanism is based on the change in muscle strength, which varies due to changes in activity of the enzyme N-acetyl- serotonin- transferase and concentrations of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the pineal gland. In diagnostics, the tiles with reference substances, samples of drugs and supplements are used. The method sensitivity and specificity reaches 90%. After examination of the information received are checked with standard laboratory and clinical tests. Due to a possible diagnosis of certain diseases before the onset of symptoms, many doctors see this as a preventive method for early diagnosis and prevention of many chronic diseases such as endocrine, neurological, gynecological, malignant, and other ones. BDORT is a method that combines knowledge from the scientific and complementary branches of medicine. It is now the trend in the medical world, where the socalled integrative medicine is created, which should not only be a simple combination, but a new quality of diagnosis and treatment.

BDORT is applied in:

  • -early diagnosis of chronic diseases;
  • -discovering the cause of the disease;
  • -determination of the optimal individual dose of test drug interactions and treatment;
  • -detection of allergies and intolerances (inhalation, nutritional and contact allergens);
  • -detection and localization of pathological changes in the body, particularly infections, the type and activity (viruses, bacteria, etc.), which is difficult to diagnose with standard tests, especially in inaccessible parts of the body (central nervous system, etc.);
  • -detection and localization of toxins in the body (Autism, Alzheimer, MS, malignancies, rheumatic diseases, endocrine disorders, infertility and sterility ...);
  • -detection of toxins in the environment of the patient (flat, food, clothes, makeup, hair dyes, toys .);
  • -detection and assessment of impact of various species on health , especially non ionizing radiation in a radiation environment in the home, workplace ... (radiation from cell phones, computers, various electronic devices, radiation from base stations and other radio wave transmitters, powpower stations, geo-pathogenic radiation, detection of the presence of static electricity, etc.);
  • -Correct localization and detection of acupuncture points and acupuncture channels;
  • -Detection of reflex zones of organs through which it is possible to determine a diagnosis and treatment, etc.


Omura, Y., Chen, Y., Duvvi, H. “Anatomical Relationship Between Traditional Acupuncture Point ST 36 and Omura’s ST 36(True ST 36) With Their Therapeutic Effects: 1) Inhibition of Cancer Cell Division by Markedly Lowering Cancer Cell Telomere While Increasing Normal Telomere, 2) Improving Circulatory Disturbances with Reduction of Abnormal Increase in High Triglyceride, L-Homocysstein, CRP, or Cardiac Troponin I & T in Blood By the Stimulation of Omura’s ST 36 ---- Part 1” Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal. Vol. 32, pp. 31-70, 2007.

Omura, Y. “Rapid Screening & Diagnosis of Various Cancers From Human Voice Using Bi- Digital O-Ring Test Resonance Phenomenon between 2 Identical Substances i.e. between Microscopic Slide of Specific Cancer Tissue & Cancer Information in the Sound of Human Voice, and Detection of Myocardial Damage & Infection from Human Voice.” Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal. Vol. 32(3/4), pp 235-270,2007.

Omura, Y.; Lu, DP; Jones, M; O’Young B; Duvvi, H; Paluch, K; Shimotsuura, Y; Ohki, M. “New Clinical Findings on the Longevity Gene in Disease, Health, & Longevity: Sirtuin 1 Often Decreases with Advanced Age & Serious Diseases in Most Parts of the Human Body, While Relatively High & Constant Sirtuin 1 Regardless of Age was First Found in the Hippocampus of Supercentenarians.” Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal. Vol. 36(3/4), 23 p, 2011.

Omura, Y.; O’Young, B; Jones, M; Pallos, A; Duvvi, H; Shimotsuura, Y. “Caprylic Acid in the Effective Treatment of Intractable Medical Problems of Frequent Urination, Incontinence, Chronic Upper Respiratory Infection, Root Canalled Tooth Infection, ALS, etc., Caused by Asbestos & Mixed Infections of Candida albicans, Helicobacter pylori, & Cytomegalovirus With or Without Other Microorganisms & Mercury.” Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal. Vol. 36(1/2), pp. 19-64, 2011.

Shimotsuura Y , Saito Y, Nakano M, Muteki G. Simple and quick gastric cancer screening method using the "Bi-Digital O-Ring Test" and its critical evaluation by standard X-ray, gastroscopic and pathological microscopic examination. Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International Journal. Vol. 12(3/4), pp. 193-9, 1987.

Tel: 064 644 99 56;



Asoc. Prof. Dr. Momir Dunjic

Mobile : +381 (0)62 222 555



(title, name, institution where they work)

1. Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, M.D., Sc.D., 1) President & Prof., International College of

Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics; 2) Adjunct. Prof., Dept. of Family & Community

Medicine, New York Medical College; 3) Director of Medical Research, Heart Disease

Research Foundation; 4) Editor-in-Chief, Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The

International Journal (continuously publishing for 36 years & indexed in 17 major

international indexing periodicals);

2.Asoc. Prof. Dr Marilyn K Jones MS, DDS., Visiting Assoc Prof., International College of

Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics; President, Director, Holistic Dental Associates, PA;

Corresponding Editor, Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International


3. Prof. Dr. Kemal Nuri Özerkan, School of Physical Education and Sports, Istanbul

University, Turkey

4. Asoc. Prof. Dr. Momir Dunjic, F.I.C.A.E. , Cert MD-ORT (3Dan) Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical Faculty of Pristina with headquarters

Kosovska Mitrovica

Asoc. Prof. Dr. Momir Dunjic, MD, PhD, F.I.C.A.E., Cert MD-ORT (4 Dan)

Authorized Medical Doctors for BDORT for Europe

Member of Board of European Society of Integrative Medicine (ESIM-Berlin),

President Serbian Association of Integrative Medicine,


Bi Digital O Ring Test( BDORT) je metoda kvantne medicine, zasnovana na rezonanciji elektromagnetnih talasa, fenomenu koji je otkrio Mihajlo Pupin. Ideju da fenomen rezonancije primeni u dijagnostičke svrhe i uvede u medicinsku kliničku praksu, dobio je pronalazač ove metode: Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Omura,1977. godine, radeći projekat,na Pupinovom Institutu za fiziku na Kolumbija Univerzitetu u Njujorku. Svoja istraživanja vezana za primenu BDORT-a objavio je u visoko indeksiranom medicinskom časopisu: Acupuncture& -Therapeutics Research, The International Journal, počevši od 1981.godine. 1993. god. dobija Američki patent za pronalazak:

Bi-Digital O-Ring Test for Imaging and Diagnosis of Internal Organs of a Patient, Patent No. 5,188,107.

Prof. Omura je dobio mnoga svetska priznanja za svoj naučno-istraživački rad, a 2008. biva izabran za Počasnog člana Akademije Medicinskih Nauka SLD-a.

BDORT-om mogu da se bave Doktori medicine i stomatologije i Farmaceuti, posle adekvatne teoretske i praktične edukacije, dobijajući titulu Cert-MD ORT

BDORT je neinvazivna dijagnostičko-terapeutska metoda. Pregled rade dva lekara. Jedan lekar-asistent služi kao „medicinski aparat“ i on jednom rukom, elektrodom ili laserom, prelazi preko tela pacijenta, a na drugoj ruci pravi stisak prstiju u obliku slova-O. Drugi lekar meri mišićnu snagu tog stiska, pokušavajući da otvori stisnute prste. Tokom pregleda menja se mišićna snaga u zavisnosti od informacija koje se dobijaju iz elektromagnetnog polja pacijenta. Mehanizam se zasniva na promeni mišićne snage, koja se menja zbog promene aktivnosti enzima N-Acetil -Transferaze i koncentracije neurotransmitera serotonina u pinealnoj žlezdi.

U dijagnostici se koriste pločice sa referentnim supstancama, uzroci lekova i suplemenata. Senzitivnost i specifičnost metode dostiže 90%. Posle izvršenog pregleda dobijene informacije se proveravaju standardnim laboratorijskim i kliničkim testovima. Zbog mogućnosti dijagnostike nekih oboljenja pre pojave simptoma , mnogi ovu metodu vide kao preventivnu, za ranu dijagnostiku i prevenciju nastanka mnogih hroničnih oboljenja kao što su: endokrina, neurološka, ginekološka, maligna i druga.

BDORT je metoda koja objedinjuje znanja iz Naučne i Komplementarnih grana medicine. To je danas trend medicine u svetu, gde se radi na stvaranju tzv. Integrativne medicine, koja ne bi trebala da bude samo prosti spoj, već novi kvalitet u dijagnozi i lečenju.

U toku seminara su prikazana iskustva lečenja BDORT U toku seminara su prikazana iskustva lečenja BDORT-om u raznim oblastima medicine, kao što su: Onkologija, Endokrinologija, Neurologija , Pedijatrija, Dermato-venerologija, Ginekologija, Fizikalana Medicina, Reumatologija iz Japana, Sjedinjenjih Američkih Država, Turske, Brazila, Srbije, Slovenije, Bosne i Hercegovine


1. Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, M.D., Sc.D., 1) President & Prof., International College of

Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics; 2) Adjunct. Prof., Dept. of Family & Community

Medicine, New York Medical College; 3) Director of Medical Research, Heart Disease

Research Foundation; 4) Editor-in-Chief, Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The

International Journal (continuously publishing for 36 years & indexed in 17 major

international indexing periodicals);

2.Asoc. Prof. Dr Marilyn K Jones MS, DDS., Visiting Assoc Prof., International College of

Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics; President, Director, Holistic Dental Associates, PA;

Corresponding Editor, Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, The International


3. Prof. Dr. Kemal Nuri Özerkan, School of Physical Education and Sports, Istanbul

University, Turkey

4. Asoc. Prof. Dr. Momir Dunjic, F.I.C.A.E. , Cert MD-ORT (3Dan) Department

of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical Faculty of Pristina with

headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica


Post congress seminars:

  1. Yamamoto, worshop, Gabriela 9 October 2014
  2. BDORT BELGRADE (Serbia): - promotional course 12.10. 2014
  3. ONCOTERMIA SEMINAR ECIM 12 October 2014